Ramayana chapter 11
Festival preparation in Ayodhya
RAMA and Sita spent twelve happy
years in Ayodhya. But now the Lord and his consort in human form had to
experience the hardships, sorrows and
conflicts of life on earth.
As Bhagavan himself explains:
"Whatever avatar I assume, my play must go through the feelings and experiences appropriate to that incarnation."
Who was the Prince of Ayodhya who
through his body, life and experience,
suffered the sorrows of mankind and
saved the gods? The ever-present, allpervasive Being who rules the world from
within and without.
Kamban, the Tamil poet, begins the
Ayodhya Kanda referring to this marvel
of how the King of Kings allowed himself
to suffer the cruel machinations of the
hunchback maid-servant and of a stepmother which deprived him of the sceptre and banished birn to the forest and beyond the sea.
Dasaratha loved all his, four sons and
yet he had a special affection for Rama.
And the latter deserved it by his royal
qualities and adherence to dharma. Queen
Kausalya, like Aditi, the mother of the
gods, was proud that she had such a son as Rama. Valmiki has filled pages with the tale of Rama's virtues. The muni is never satiated drinking from the ocean of Rama's qualities. He describes Rama's
gifts and graces sometimes directly,
sometimes as seen and admired by others.
Thus and in many other ways he dwells
on the qualities that made Rama the ideal
Rama's graceful frame and virile
beauty, his strength, his courage, the
purity of his heart, his perfect life, his
compassion, sweetness of speech, his
serenity, his deep wisdom and his states
manship were admired by the people and
made them eagerly look forward to his
becoming king.
And Dasaratha knew and rejoiced in
this expectation. Hence, considering his
old age, he wished to crown Rama as
Yuvaraja and entrust him with the de facto
rule of the kingdom. Informing his
ministers of his desire, he had the Raja
Sabha convened. Rishis and wise men,
leaders of the city and kings from
neighboring lands, attended the Raja
Sabha. When all were seated, each in his
appropriate place, Dasaratha rose and
addressed them.
His deep manly voice, like the sound of
a trumpet or the roar of rain-bearing
clouds, filled the great hall. A royal
radiance shone from his face. His words
were full of meaning and charmed all
"Like my ancestors, I have tended this
kingdom as a mother cares for her child. I
have worked unremittingly for the people,
Now my body is old and infirm. I wish
therefore to appoint my eldest son as
Yuvaraja and transfer to him the burden of
responsibility. Following the holy custom
of my forefathers, I hope to spend the rest
of my life in austerities in the forest.
Rama is fully equal to the task of
kingship. He is expert in administration
and statecraft and he is unequalled in
valor. I can transfer this trust of
sovereignty to him without any anxiety
and I hope that this honored assembly will
permit me to do so."
Shouts of joyous acclaim rose from the
great assembly and with one voice the
gathered princes and potables exclaimed:
"So be it."
The King spoke again: "You agree
with my proposal but give no reason. This
will not do. Let the wise men explain why
they agree. "
Then several speakers rose and
explained Rama's virtues and fitness to
rule. The King's heart was filled with joy
to hear these praises of Rama.
At last the whole assembly rose and
said with one voice: "Let there be no
delay. Let Rama be anointed Yuvaraja."
The King answered that he was happy
and would forthwith carry out their
wishes. Then turning to Vasishtha,
Vamadeva and the other holy men and
guardians of the sacred rites, he said:
"This is the auspicious month of Chaitra,
the season when the trees in the forest are
covered with flowers. Revered elders,
make all preparations for the anointing of
The assembly was glad to hear these
prompt orders. As bidden by the King,
Sumantra, the minister in charge of the
household, went to fetch Rama. Rama,
ignorant of all these happenings, came and
stood before his father.
Hearing of the decision to anoint him
Yuvaraja, he humbly bowed acceptance,
saying, "I am in duty bound to carry out
your orders, whatever they be."
Dasaratha blessed Rama and said:
"You are a good prince beloved of the
people. Let not your courtesy and your
consideration flag but increase with your
opportunities of doing good, and earn you
enduring glory." And Rama returned to
his dwelling.
Hardly had Rama returned home when
Sumantra called in haste and told him that
his father wished to see him. Asked for
the reason, Sumantra could not tell; he
only knew he had been enjoined to fetch
the prince at once.
Rama thought: "The King must have
taken counsel over the coronation
ceremony and perhaps met with some
difficulty. But whatever happens is for the
best." Rama was not eager to assume
authority, but looked on it as only a duty
to be done. If the King wanted him to take
it up, he was ready to do so. But if the
King wanted him to give it up, he was
equally willing. In this mood, Rama went
to his father.
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